
Das Gänsespiel  –  Game of Goose

Die interessante „Gänsespiel-Seite“ von Luigi Ciompi.

Luigi Ciompi, is a  fellow-collector of Goose games and variants. He has set up an impressive new web site at http://www.giochidelloca.it/

It contains an archive (click on ‚archivio giochi‘) of more than 900 games, each having an image in reasonably high definition and an associated page of notes, some quite detailed.  The games come from Luigi’s own large collection, augmented by games from other collections.  There is also a bibliography listing almost 200 books and articles, with an indication of relevance, and a history section (’storia‘) which contains about 50 downloadable articles, some in English, relating to this class of race game.  There is also a links page, with some useful connections to sites with good downloadable images.

Navigation is in Italian but should not present many problems if you use the drop-down menus in the archivio section.

It would be useful if anyone interested could leave comments in the guestbook section (il libro degli ospiti) – these don’t have to be in Italian!

Das Gänsespiel 
(Englisch Game of the Goose; Französisch Jeu de l’oie; Italienisch Gioco dell’oca; Spanisch Juego de la Oca; Niederländisch Ganzenbord)

Bildergalerie der Gänsespiele bei BGG


Ravensburger Nr. 11.201 – Die Gänse

Ravensburger Nr. 11.201 Spielplan und Gänse


Kleine Gänsespielsammlung

Gänse-Spiel – Hausser Nr. 1360 – ca. 1970

Caberzi DDR 1969 Lustiges Gänse Spiel

Abel Klinger – 50er Jahre



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