Auf unserer ESG-Ausstellung 2014 auf der Spiel ´14 in Essen mit dem Thema „Schönes Italien – Ewiges Rom“ hatten wir auch das alte Spiel „Römer gegen Karthager“ aus dem Verlag Hausser ausgestellt. Bezug nehmend auf dieses Spiel wurde Rudolf Rühle von einem Spanier angesprochen der interessante Nachforschungen zum Ursprung dieses Spiels betrieben hatte und uns nun mit unten angehängter mail die Ergebnisse zukommen lies.
Die Originalmail:
Hola Rudolf and everybody at ESG:
As we told to you at Essen fair, we have researched about some old boardgames (The „GBM“ collection). During the last year we have been interested on these old games, finally we found a collector who has the full collection, we identified the signature of an illustrator in some boxes, we looked for him everywhere, and, at the happy end, we found the original illustrator 5 months ago.
Thanks to this illustrator, Ray Ferrer, we have discovered the history and the story of these games. They were produced in Barcelona from 1961 to 1966, by the company Rojas y Malaret. The designer of all these games and expansions was Eduardo Rojas (who died 20 years ago). We also have found the official register papers of the games in Spain.
After publishing the first game (Batalla del Metauro) in 1961, they sell the rights to publish the game in Germany by Hausser. Hausser published this game (Römer gegen Karthager ), and later the German company published another game from Rojas y Malaret (Littlle Big Horn). Eduaro y Ray, the Spanish authors, were invited to the Nuremberg fair in those years by Hausser. The Spanish company stopped its game production in 1966, and nobody published games like those games in Spain until many many years later.
In the last years, the origin of this games was unknown (Even people was discussing if they were German or Italian, or maybe from UK…). Now we have published the full true history on our web in a series of article (in Spanish). You can find the main point (an interview to Ray Ferrer) here:
In the Festival Internacional de Juegos Códoba 2014 (October 10-13), we organize a complete exhibition of these games, all the expansions, the German versions, and also the pirate versions from UK and France. We have attached some pictures to this e-mail (We will have better pictures in the future). And also the images of the booklet of the expo, with info about the games and about the authors.
We hope you like our gaming-detective story, we are very proud to make honour to this authors from the past; Eduardo Rojas (designer) and Ray Ferrer (Illustrator) – they must not be forgotten. They invented the games of the „Grandes Batallas del Mundo“ collection, published by Rojas y Malaret more than 50 years ago.
¡Nos jugamos!
Jesús Torres Castro
Pte. Asociación Cultural Jugamos Tod@s – Córdoba
Tfno: 0034 608197034
Promoción de Córdoba en el exterior
Festival Internacional de Juegos Córdoba
Der Flyer zur Ausstellung „GRADES BATALLAS DEL MUNDO“ in Spanien:
Bilder von der Ausstellung in Spanien / Pictures from the exhibition in Spain: